The Ethereum Foundation is offering grants of $1 million to organizations that educate lawmakers and governments on the subject of Ethereum Blockchain technology. The community is backing this important work.
You have the right to be imaginative and strive.
We Understand that new technologies raise numerous questions for regulators and governments. NeverthelessGovernments must find a balance between preserving their citizens from fraud and supporting the growth of fresh industries. The Ethereum This can be facilitated by the community providing resources and knowledge for policy makers and governments.
The Good news is that there are many organizations that are taking on this role in our community. Several of them are only focused on Ethereum and blockchain, while other organizations see its potential to be used as a tool to fulfill their wider privacy missions. Financial inclusion, transparency, and many more.
Backing All those who back us
The Ethereum Foundation is awarding grants worth more than $500,000 USD to three organizations that have been instrumental in leading the way in teaching policymakers and regulators.
- Coin Center: Leading US nonprofit concentrating on policy issues regarding blockchain networks
- Electronic Frontier Foundation: An international non-profit that promotes digital privacy, free expression, and innovation
- Fight for the Future: A grassroots activist group fighting for a future in which technology is used to free people, not oppress them.
Help us go even further
Yet, there are many other organizations that also deserve community support. We Consider it critical for the broader community. Ethereum Community to be able to influence how funds are given to support education on these important topics.
ThereforeWe are also giving a $500,000 USD grant in addition to the grants above. Gitcoin Your matching pool Next round of support.
Gitcoin’s Crowdfunding rounds can take advantage of quadratic financing, which allows individual donations to signal community sentiment about a set of grants. During Grant holders are eligible for funds from the community during the grant period. The Amount you can get from the matching fund will be determined by the number of donations made and how much money was spent. The Gitcoin round will provide the opportunity for the community to decide which non-profit advocacy organizations should be given additional funding.
We Urge everyone to join the Gitcoin round (more details to be announced soon) and teach governments about the possibility of what we are creating together, so we can create a regulatory atmosphere that allows our community do as much good as possible.
Stay tuned to our website for the latest information about supporting educational initiatives. FellowsUpdates on Community tools You can find out more.