Support For ETHPlanet’s ecosystem-building efforts in ChinaTheThis includes work with students, universities and events.
Community Education
Blockchain Conference Focused on leadership, research and discussion DecipherBlockchain Society at Seoul National University.
Community Education
Virtual Devspace Hackathon
Indian Computer Society
Student Hackathon Hosted by The Indian Computer SocietyThis This site is intended for students, researchers, developers and other interested parties.
Community Education
Virtual Hackathons In person, that focus on building the Ethereum Developer Community through hacker learning and hands-on support
Community Education
Websites These are for information.
Deployment A collection of educational and informative websites that offer easy-to-understand information on the topic Ethereum Ecosystem
Community Education
Development The RussianEcosystems which are -speaking
Sponsorship A variety of virtual Ethereum Meetings In Russian Language
Community Education
Web3 Teacher Training Program
Blockchain Acceleration Foundation
Development This Course and curriculum are designed to assist students and professors in becoming educators. Ethereum Development With the aim of giving them the skills and knowledge to manage educational programs at their universities.
consensus layer
Topological Analysis The Beacon Chain Network
Shreyas Samaga
Apply Topological Data analysis techniques can be used to analyze certain aspects of the beacon system. This Includes visualization of validator behavior as well as insight into the structure of the p2p network.
consensus layer
Beacon Chain Rescue Attack
Montfort University
Proof Conceptual ransomware attack Ethereum Validators These are indicators of the need to provide more secure infrastructure for large providers.
consensus layer
node factory
Application A graphical interface for managing multiple beacon nodes or validators, with statistics and monitoring.
consensus layer
Polar Star
Continued Development The Lodestar Client The JS beacon chain. Goals Include research and development of thin clients, documentation, improvement, and preparation for the next step. Altair fork.
consensus layer
The Prismamatic laboratory
Continued Development The Prysm ClientThe company’s focus is on R&D and the refinement of beacon chains production. Altair, Merge And Sharding.
consensus layer
Shard Data Proof This It is Custody MPC
Ongoing Research Multi-stakeholder computation and the development of ethereum validators.
consensus layer
Website Resources Document and demonstrate the SSZ serialization standards. ReactSSZ implementation based upon SSZ.
consensus layer
christian rechberger
Research Development tPlonk – A SNARK compatible search-based heh function.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Dark forest Infrastructure And Tooling
Blaine Bublitz And Jacob Rosenthal
Ongoing ZeroAll areas of focus include infrastructure, knowledge tools, and community developer support. Dark forest.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
BLS Global Wallet
james zaki
ECDSA is replaced by the L2 wallet contract Signatures BLS Signs In Optimistic Accumulations.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Development Protocol For secure, anonymous, and verifiable voter technology Additional R&D is necessary and zero-knowledge enterprise adoption possible.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs User Interface
spencer graham
Improvements CLR.fnd User interface. The Our goal is to make a CLR funding application that anyone can use.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Dark forest
Ongoing work on Dark ForestThis It is a persistent, decentralized RTS game (real time strategy), that shows the effectiveness of ZkBuilding -Snarks “incomplete information” The Environment allows users to keep their privacy and publicly submit valid and verifiable actions. Dark Forest This Framework was created to demonstrate the potential for complex strategic and environment dynamics to be created in decentralized games.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Forum Moderation It is crucial Prediction Markets
Smart To To reduce spam in online forums, you can use contracts and automated moderator robots may use prediction markets to mitigate it.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
MicroMix v2
Extensions MicroMix is an integrated ETH/EC-20 mixer Traffic LightsAllowing You can use a different registry in order to avoid liquidity splitting and to allow you to launch new contracts of any denomination. Layer 2 deployments and an entirely open-source, non-minified user interface.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
MPC Phase 2
geoff lamperd
Production This is a set of components that can help you install a reliable browser-based web system.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Optimism Security Assessment
Kyle Charbonnett
Security Assessment The Optimism Codebase generates a report which describes the design and structure. Optimism Flag Security flaws in code are marked.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Reputation Testing service: Design Specification
jay graber
Design Description Descriptions and details for a reputation testing service that exports cryptographic evidences user attributes from sites where users have accumulated a good reputation Github Or TwitterTheYou can verify se via apps or decentralized sites.
Development An online reputation testing service that exports cryptographic evidences from user attributes from existing sites (such as Github Or TwitterFor Please use to verify your identity via apps and decentralized sites
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Cumulative Blocks Explorer Site Layout
raquel akerley
UX strategy, UI design, and UX strategy to create a cumulative block exploratory dashboard.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Cumulative Difference Compression
Blagoj Dimovsk
Research Paper Proof-of-concept and data storage Blockchain Stacks are not allowed in the event of an airdrop
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Unirep Social
Design Smart contracts that require users to sign in unirepSocial Media platform that is private, decentralized and anonymous Risk If you publish, reputation is yoursYou You can increase or decrease your reputation score by liking any post.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
zk Data Market
jackson liu
Design For a confident customer Data mart Smart Contracts allow encryption data to become available for sale. Buyers You can then verify authenticity using the exposed data segments and ZKP provided by the seller.
Cryptography And Zero Knowledge Proofs
Zkopru Stress
Stress For Testing, monitoring, configuration, clustering, and test scripts ZkopruPrivate Transactions can be scaled up to layer 2 with zk SNARK and optimistic digest
Developer Tools Experience and expertise
ETH Winter Educational Resources
nick Ulvin
Conversion The Price of ETH Winter Programm Resources, including Eth The The public now has access to introductory papers, mentor reading, and mission lists in one format.
Developer Tools Experience and expertise
GASOL: Gas Analyse And Optimization Toolkit
Madrid complutense university
Development Super Optimizer Ethereum Smart Contracts optimize block-by block blocks by finding sequences that are semantically identical but consume less gas. This This is done to lower transaction costs and increase transaction volumes.
Developer Tools Experience and expertise
Software Engine For game theoretical modeling
University This It is St Gallen Y Status Box
Software Engine For game-theoretical modeling games of composition, such as auction mechanisms and governance systems Theory of compositional games.
Developer Tools Experience and expertise
Universal Library This site offers web3 functionality in the Swift Language To create native dApps in the Mac/iOS ecosystem.
Developer Tools Experience and expertise
Zkopru ceremony site design
raquel akerley
UserDesign For the user, a user-friendly web site zkopru Accumulated Trust Installation Ceremony.
execution layer
EIP 1559 R&D
Coordination EIP 1559 was created with great effort for both customers and developers.
execution layer
Maintenance The The development of Besu eth1 client.
execution layer
nether mind
Maintenance The The development of Nethermind eth1 client.
execution layer
Maintenance The The development of Nimbus eth1 client.
execution layer
Maintenance The The development of Erigon (fka TurboGeth) eth1 client.
execution layer
Maintenance Open Source DevelopmentEthereumAcquisition of the Parity client.
indirect financing
Reference Protocol
financing for Reference Grants Contribute To the research, development and adoption Baseline Protocol Companies can synchronize transactions and reduce errors in B2B transactions.
Indirect Financing
CLR Match
Funds equivalent to rounds 9-10 of the Gitcoin CLR grants: Funding public goods Ethereum ecosystem.
indirect financing
Development The production-ready version of can be found here. This BrightID, MACI and decentralized quadratic funding methods use BrightID. It Protocol-level funding can be authorized without authorization and pseudonymous. Ethereum.
Layer 2
StablePay Layer 2 SDK
SDK lets you accept payments and convert them into stablecoins with multiple L2s.
Verifiable Functions That delay
Biprimality Research Article Review
Benjamin Wesolowski
InA detailed review and analysis of a research paper entitled “Large Prime Numbers Get Me High: New Results in Biprimality Testing” By Dmitry Khovratovich And Mary MallerTo A biprimality test result that is innovative could be validated and used to create large-scale MPC RSAs