Altair Network Update Launch | Ethereum Foundation Blog


The Altair network upgrade is now live on the Ethereum mainnet. The update will be activated in epoch 74240 (October 27, 2021, 10:56:23 am UTC).

Client Versions

To Be compatible with the Altair update, beacon node operators Have to Ensure they update their client version. If you run a validator, Have to Upgrade to stay in sync with the mainnet beacon chain. Failure Failure to do so can result in penalties for downtime.

The The versions listed below are compatible with the Mainnet Altair update.

EDIT: The The following table has been revised to reflect the latest versions of the Altair Before the mainnet upgrade, client These We recommend using security patches and optimizations. Everyone Users should update to the most recent version.

*Customer The releases referenced by an “asterisk” have been updated since the initial announcement.

Updating Validators

Even Though this update has been thoroughly tested if your validator is on MainnetWe strongly advise that you remain online during the update to avoid any unanticipated issues.

Bonus Bug Bounty

You can get more attention on your website. Altair All updates Altair Update-related vulnerability bounties were doubled between now & four weeks after publication (November 27). Altair Client and specification critical bugs are now worth up to $100k

Watch The Bug bounty program for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

As An Ethereum User or Ether Holder, what do I do?

This Update is only for the beacon chain consensus mechanism. No The proof-of-work chain guarantees the state that the state will not be affected by contracts or end-user accounts.

If You must update your beacon node if you own it. See “As a non-validating beacon node operator, what should I do?” next.

As What should I do if I am a non-validating beacon operator?

Download The most recent version of your beacon client, as shown in the table.

As How do I validate a validator?


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