Home Bitcoin Aurora Labs Launches Turnkey Blockchain Toolkit to Aid Companies in Migrating to Web3 – Press Release

Aurora Labs Launches Turnkey Blockchain Toolkit to Aid Companies in Migrating to Web3 – Press Release

Aurora Labs Launches Turnkey Blockchain Toolkit to Aid Companies in Migrating to Web3 – Press Release

PRESS RELEASE. Aurora Cloud This is the cloud infrastructure solution that bridges Web2 & Web3.

03/02/2023 Denver – Web3 infrastructure startup Aurora Labs Announces the launch of Aurora Cloud, a platform that has been designed to enable today’s Web2 businesses to take full advantage of Web3.

Aurora Cloud — Platforms Like Amazon AWS Microsoft Azure Web2 has the potential to unlock its full potential by democratizing the building blocks of the internet. In A similar approach is used. Aurora Cloud — including Borealis Business, Aurora Pass And Aurora Silos — eliminates the technical and user experience barriers that keep Web2 businesses from accessing the full benefits of Web3.

At The core of Aurora Cloud Is Aurora– The innovative blockchain that gives you full access to all of the benefits Ethereum Compatible while leveraging NEAR’s speed, low-cost, infinite-scalability third-generation layer-1 protocols, NEAR.

Borealis Business — The The first pillar Aurora Cloud This is a transaction processing, accounting engine that is well-known as Borealis Business This allows Web2 companies the ability to add blockchain capability in their applications without any technical complexities. The The product includes all necessary data tools to assist with business operational monitoring, understanding, optimization.

Aurora Pass — Many of today’s Web2 companies are mobile-first or mobile-only. For These customers are the second pillar Aurora Cloud The Aurora Pass digital wallet: This digital wallet facilitates adoption of blockchain technology into mobile apps with minimal development work and allows users authorize transactions using the same biometric facility like fingerprints Touch ID Face ID they’ve come to know and love.

Aurora Silos — While the permissionless nature of public blockchains ushers in a new age of ubiquitous accessibility, many of tomorrow’s most valuable blockchain use cases will require app-specific and business-specific blockchains. To This is the last pillar of Aurora Cloud Is Aurora SilosThese are dedicated, customer-specific blockchains that run on the Borealis Business infrastructure, and providing an unparalled feature list.

Aurora Silos go beyond Ethereum Customers can design and implement custom tokens, tokenomics, and transaction fees to support any type of blockchain business model. As Blockchain dedicated to your needs Aurora Silo Customers can create multiple levels of access control. Perfect for KYC/AML-restricted. “permissioned” DeFi environments, members-only access to games, or any context requiring the management of network access and activity — and without closing the door to interoperability and cross-network composability with public protocols like Ethereum, Aurora NEAR.

WhiteSupport and service in-glove — For Customers who need assistance with integration or conceptual ideas about how to best use blockchain technology in their business, Aurora Labs’ crypto-native business development and engineering teams are ready to serve as a partner every step of the way.

“It’s exciting to be a part of a technological revolution, and to be constructing the infrastructure that businesses must have to introduce millions to Web3.”

Alex ShevchenkoFounder and CEO Aurora Labs

The Platform is currently in beta and available for business integrations.


About Aurora & Aurora Labs

Aurora This platform allows Web3 developers to create innovative and scalable distributed applications. Powered By its high-performance Ethereum Virtual Machine (the Aurora Engine) and fully trustless bridge (the Rainbow Bridge), Aurora This combination combines the builder friendly development experience of Ethereum With the NEAR blockchain performance Protocol To provide an environment that allows for the creation of highly scalable, low-cost, future-safe, carbon-neutral and future-safe Web3 services. To Visit www.aurora.dev to learn more.

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