Banco de España, Spain’s central bank, has taken a significant step towards digitalization by announcing its support of the digital euro. This cash-like currency enables offline payments and is seen as an integral component of the digitalized society and economy.
The Digital Euro Project, which started on October 18th, is expected to run until 2025. It is hoped that the project will revolutionize financial transactions, offering a range of benefits for both businesses and consumers. This includes enhanced privacy, off-line payment capabilities, and seamless transition into a digital age of finances.
The European Commission is also backing the digital euro, citing its importance in the European Payments sector. Moreover, the European Central Bank (ECB) has set up a dedicated information page to educate the public on the potential advantages of the digital euro. The ECB believes that the digital euro will provide users with “an easier life” and “a stronger Europe”.
The digital euro has a number of advantages, one of which is the ability to facilitate payments offline. This will allow users to carry out transactions without accessing the internet, increasing its versatility and access. It also offers a high level of privacy, as user data will remain visible only to their respective financial institutions and not to the central bank’s infrastructure provider, Eurosystem.
The Digital Euro Project is set to revolutionize how financial transactions are conducted. It will offer a variety of benefits for businesses and consumers and pave the way for the seamless integration of electronic payments into our daily financial lives.