Hey Folks!
Before we dive into the details, we’d like to share some info about the ticketing process. Monday will be the launch and we will provide information on supporters, volunteers and discounted tickets. And, to top it all off, we will introduce the Devcon Community Hubs!
But first, we hope you learned about the Devcon VI ticket pre-sale Auction and Raffle and maybe even placed a bid. If you haven’t, you have one last day to participate and win a ticket for Devcon VI, by donating a minimum of 0.25 ETH. The Auction closes July 14 at 07:59 UTC.
The bottom 20 bidders will be losers. Raffle can be your chance to win one of the 80 Devcon VI tickets available at 0.25ETH each (50% discount from the regular price).
Now, here’s some great news for you: The first Wave 01 of Devcon General Admission Ticket sales will start on July 18, first at 16:00 UTC, and then again at 23:00 UTC.
Tickets will be available for purchase here at the stated times.
We’ve learned from past experiences and made improvements to make the process smoother. There are now multiple time zone options to choose from. This has made it much easier for Devcon fans!
To make sure more people can attend Devcon, there is a limit of 2 tickets per order. There will be additional ticket sales following this week’s release.
Clever? Set your alarm and be ready at the Devcon.org ticketing page when the wave opens!
Builders, Students And Volunteers 👷
As always, we’re dedicated to making Devcon more accessible to more people.
Two-thirds of the Devcon tickets will be available at discounted prices or for free, and they are meant for builders, students and other groups.
We are accepting applications from students, builders, and volunteers. You can apply for help as a volunteer, as a builder, or even as a student to get discounts.
Closing Support Requests📝
We are excited to announce this year’s Support Program instead of the usual sponsorships. Aligned groups are encouraged to donate to the event and receive support tickets in return. Ethereum as a thank you. Devcon VI.
We thank everyone who has pledged to help through the Support Program. It will also help you grow your business in the Ethereum ecosystem.