Home Crypto Updates eth2 validator launchpad πŸš€ | Ethereum Foundation Blog

eth2 validator launchpad πŸš€ | Ethereum Foundation Blog

eth2 validator launchpad πŸš€ |  Ethereum Foundation Blog

After The This website was developed by the eth2 research team, who have also contributed many months of hardwork. Consensys And DeepWork StudioWe We are happy to announce the availability Launchpad for eth2 validator (testnet version).

We It You can track progress and make deposits for each installment. Medalla Multi-client testnet. But In In the weeks that lead to the mainnet launch we will continue to refine the interface.

The The Launchpad exists to make it easy for you to validate eth2 protocols. Without Safety or education at risk.

In Contrary You can use third-party validation services, but running your own validater means you are responsible for your keys and will need to manage them. This Responsibility Safety and ease of use are two sides of the same coin.


The The The initial mission of the launch pad is to provide validation information regarding the entire process. Above We All validators should be able see what’s happening and why.

The The The basics

We Begin Start with the basics. Before Before Before you begin the registration process it is important that you understand what eth2 means. Validators are required to ensure that eth2 works properly.

Timelines Important Meilensteine

You You You should also be aware that eth2 will be coming out in phases.

And Where At the moment, we are on that timeline.

Reward Program

Before deciding whether to run a validator, it’s important to have a clear idea of ​​the amount of rewards you can receive.

In You It is important to understand that not all rewards are guaranteed. Dynamic (a function of how many eth are staked in the network).

In PlainlyThe annual reward will be higher if there is a low amount of ETH staked over a single year. ButAs the stakes increase, each validator starts to receive a smaller reward.

Once If You feel confident that you have understood the concepts and are ready to begin the registration process.

The First Part: A sequence of statements in pairs. (A piece followed by acknowledgement of form). “I understand this piece of information”) that can be broadly divided into three categories: risk, liability, and safety (although there are some overlap between the three).

Risk Responsibility

The The Validators must be aware of their responsibilities and the risks involved in eth2 network.

With Concerning Risk, we want you to be aware of your mitigation risks and the inherent risks associated with being an early adopter.

Regarding We We want to help you understand your liability. You Your staked cannot be transferred Ethereum Keep eth2 off your computer until a later date. later).

Here These are just a few examples for statement pairs

Security (keys)

Unlike As You will manage your validator as a member in a participation group. Keys.

Before We I want to help you understand the process of keys being generated before we can generate them. Most ImportantlyIt is important to understand that keys can only come from one source. MnemonicYou Without this mnemonic, you will not be permitted to withdraw funds.

Key generation

Once After You have agreed to all risks and responsibilities. The dapp will help you with how to use a Command-line interface You You can also use the “CLI” To get your keys off-line, click the button.

What How Does this translate into practice?

1. Choose The Preferred language

Upon Entering Interactive CLI prompts you to choose your preferred language

Please Choose Your mnemonic vocabulary (czech, chinese_traditional, chinese_simplified, english, spanish, italian, korean) [english]:

2. Type The Password to secure keystores and create mnemonics

You You You will then be asked to create a password

Type The Password that protects your validator keys(S):

Correctly After After you confirm the password, enter your generated code. Mnemonic This This is how to generate your private keys.

3. Write Mnemonics

Write It It is best for it to be safe.

This This This is your seed phrase. Write You Only if your deposit is taken down and kept safe can you retrieve it.

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Press Once You have already written your mnemonic.

4. Generate KeystoresKeys, cache data, and keys

Please Type Your Mnemonic (Separated By spaces) To You can confirm that it is not lost:

Once After You’ve proven that you can remember your mnemonic and you’ll get your keys.

             #####     #####
                ##     #####     ##
    ###         ##   #######     #########################
    ##  ##      #####               ##                   ##
    ##     #####                 ##                       ##
    ##     ##                     ##                      ###
   ########                        ##                     ####
   ##        ##   ###         #####                       #####
   #                          ##                         # #####
   #                            #                        #  #####
   ##                             ##                    ##
   ##                              ##                   ##
   ##             ###              ##                   ##
   ###############                 ##                   ##
   ###               ##                                 ##
      #############################                    ##
                     ##                             ###
                     #######     #################     ###
                     ##   ## ##        ##   ##    ###
                     ##############          #############
Creating Your keys.
Saving Your Keystore(S).
Creating your depoSit(S).
Verifying Your Keystore(S).
Verifying your depoSit(S).

Your Keys You can find them at <YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>

That’s it!


Once Once After you have created your keys, we will assist you in uploading them online. They’ll Be verified and sent to you Contract for deposit.




We Check The uploaded data is valid.




Double You It is important to ensure you are aware of all the facts.




And These The transactions will be sent to you.







And voila! That’s It’s All there. You Have You have successfully deposited your funds and you are now committed to becoming an eth2 validater!

Now After Once you have made your deposit you will need choose your client (the software you will use to open your account). Beacon NodeImport keystores to run your program Validator).

It It It seems that they will not be less than Four Clients Running on genesis Lighthouse, Nimbus, PrismY Teku. Although Client Teams won’t require to have MedallaSpecific documentation will be available from the closer to August 4. Now This is a great time to start researching which clients or potential clients you want to test. Take Take Have a look at our docs and have fun with the local testnets. Feel You can contact them directly by clicking here Discord.

The Launchpad This This project was important for us as it created an educational and welcoming environment that allows beacon chain integration and integration with eth2. StillWe Other interfaces will catch up with top teams and client operator operators. We hope that you’ll be able to test their releases once they become available.

We We We hope that you found this tutorial useful. We We We can’t wait for your launchpad! Test Network Medal deposits πŸŽ‰

We We are both grateful for you. Consensus Y Deep Work Studio πŸ’™

PS: If You Our website provides a quick overview of what an eth2 validator is required to do, and clear descriptions about the responsibilities. Frequently asked questions.

PPS If If If you have concerns about the launchpad’s safety, please don’t hesitate to report them. Here.


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