Language Translation: Achievements and Developments


The Language Translation Program has been alive for more than two years and we are thrilled to share some of our accomplishments since launching the initiative, as well as reveal our upcoming plans.

Over the last two years, over 2,000 community members have taken part in translating in excess of 2.8 million words.

Thanks to the immense effort put in, now has 37 languages available.

English remains the most popular language (at 88%), however visits to translated pages has tripled in the last year and is continuously increasing.

We are really proud of how much progress has been made in such a short time.

  • In December 2020, the launch of content versions 2.0+ was announced and 19 languages ​​have already been upgraded to version 2.0 or higher due to the hard work of our translators.
  • We have improved our translation resources and all public references have been updated. For more information, please refer to the Translation Program page on our website.
  • A group of translators also worked on translating the Ethereum Betting Launchpad which was unveiled in January and can be accessed in 17 languages.
  • To facilitate communication between translators and, we have established ten active Translation Groups on our website. If you would like to join, please contact our Discord server. New groups can be added upon request.

Finally, we are pleased to announce the following developments:

New Content Versions

We have published new content versions which include pages recently added to, or substantially updated on, We have uploaded this new content for translators as well as breaking down existing content into smaller sections. This allows contributors to work on high-impact content such as the homepage in more manageable sections, allowing us to add translated content more quickly to the site.

The new content versions are divided into the following sections:

  1. Home page and site navigation

  2. Key pages for learning about Ethereum

  3. Pages for use cases and contributions

  4. Developer documentation (fundamental topics)