Translation Program: Recent Developments and Accomplishments


We We hope everyone is getting excited for the holidays! Today Today we have some exciting updates for you regarding the Translation Program and some milestones to celebrate.

We We can’t thank you enough for your support in our first quarter. Thanks to you, we were able to update 16 languages in 2020!

In Addition, the number of distinct pageviews of translated content has increased 10x since the program’s launch 13 months ago! 🎉

But We don’t want it to end there…

Let’s Introduce V2.0+

Today We are announcing the next major push for content that is ready to be translated. There is a lot to it, so you won’t want to miss any of it. Crowdin In V2.0, V2.1, and V2.2, these versions include the following pages:

  • Eth2 – A comprehensive overview of the Eth2 launch, how it will help the network, and how it will affect stakeholders.
  • Ethereum Developer Resources – Content for both beginner and advanced developers.
  • Find out more here!

Start translating v2.0 on Crowdin Now!


Currently, supports 33 languages, but 25 of them are still in progress on Crowdin. We are seeing more demand from smaller language communities, so we’ve added more regional languages ​​to Crowdin.

Our The ultimate goal of is to be accessible to all users worldwide, no matter what their language or location is. We We are getting closer to this goal and we are confident that we can reach it as a community, with your help.

User Experience on Translated Sites

We We have noticed a slowdown in the growth of traffic to translated pages compared to overall traffic. In February, the number of pageviews of translated pages was nearly 20% of all pageviews, however these numbers have dropped to 10% over the past few months.

We We believe this is because our company has increased the amount of English content. To a great extent In recent months, translated content has become outdated. Consequently This is why more people are returning to the English version of the website.

We are making changes to this data, to ensure that our latest content is accessible to all sites in all languages.

Language Website Updates

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