Ethereum Celebrates 5 Years 🎉 | Ethereum Foundation Blog


Five Years and Counting The genesis block marks the official launch of the Ethereum network.

TodayThe majority of the community is looking ahead. But It is important to remember the fifth anniversary. Ethereum It’s It’s incredible to see how far we have come, and what an amazing journey each step has been. It It’s incredible to see how much technology has evolved.

There Were There were times when things were simpler for some Expected It It is possible that the protocol will perform as expected. Developers may launch the first applications to enable users to try them out or allow someone else to use them. Ethereum To Make a real, positive impact

So While It will be important to keep working on the tasks ahead. Five years ago it would have been difficult to envision all of the innovators who were politicians, businesspeople, and thinkers making lasting changes. Ethereum today. The The Same goes for unexpected forks, bumps or amazing meetups/events. Many Many of us in this community wouldn’t be where we are today without those “unexpected” moments 😉.

Everyone Who The head of the Ethereum The ecosystem wanted the first contracts to go online. Today There There are millions! And We’ve I lost count of the number of applications that are still not mapped stars. It It is difficult for even the most committed supporters to keep track of the progress of protocol-level innovations.

In These Five years ago were Ethereum This This project has been a tremendous success and we are proud to say that each builder, team, and organization has contributed significantly. We I hope that you find the inspiration to keep working together to help others. Ethereum You You can make it whatever you want. 🦄

Ethereum Foundation Team

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