Home Ethereum Latest Update on Ethereum 2.0 Number 13

Latest Update on Ethereum 2.0 Number 13

Latest Update on Ethereum 2.0 Number 13

Testnet, testnet, testnet!

tl. dr

Testnet Medal

In Light of the outstanding stability of Altona After talking to the eth2 client teams, the next multi-client testnet, Medal, will have a MIN_GENESIS_TIME defined as 1596546000 For those of you who don’t think in Unix time — August 4:00 UTC, 2020)!

This It is a major step up from Altona That is what you should do. Medalla It is a testnet. For Y Continually maintained by community. Previous Multi-client testnets were looked at “development networks”, mainly managed by client teams and EF members (see The Altona Section of my last post for a fuller explanation), but with the launch of this network, the stability and health of the chain will be almost entirely in the hands of the community (your hands ✋🤞🤟!).

Note That MIN_GENESIS_TIME The oldest member of the chain can The chain will not begin until the minimum validator count has been met. To Stay true to the mainnet specifications Medalla We will begin with 16384 validators (524,288 ETH). In case the minimum deposits (16.384 of them), are not met by 1 PM UTC August 2 (48 hours prior to the minimum genesis), the chain starts later than MIN_GENESIS_TIME. That It is Okay.

To sum up, genesis will take place 48 hours after both of these conditions are satisfied. We All of us will be watching the deposits and making a lot noise when it is known. 🎉

We Released also a “Launchpad” Validator Version MedallaThe educational interface for validators who wish to make deposits is. More Details are coming soon.

We will not have less than Four Clients are fully engaged in genesis lighthouse, nimbus, prismY teku. As We recommend customer diversity as a way to increase strength and resilience to the network. Discussion of the many eth2 customers). Feel You are welcome to look at the client docs and play around with build/configure.

In In addition to the above four clients, I fully anticipate polar Star To be part of the network at the beginning. We may even have another client join us.

Another An exciting announcement: Medal You will receive a special POAP


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