Home Crypto Updates Financial Records Reveal Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Owns up to $250k in Bitcoin

Financial Records Reveal Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Owns up to $250k in Bitcoin


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a potential Democratic candidate for the United States presidency, is apparently a bitcoiner. According to financial records, he owns up to $250,000 in bitcoin.

Kennedy is a vocal supporter of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. He has even accepted campaign donations in bitcoin (BTC). However, the 69-year-old environmental lawyer has stated he is “not an investor” in the crypto market.

Financial disclosure reports Kennedy filed on June 30 suggest otherwise. It appears he holds between $100,000 and $250,000 of bitcoin in a brokerage account. The report does not specify when it was purchased or how much was initially spent.

Kennedy has been vocal about his support for bitcoin, saying that if he becomes president in 2024, his administration will set up policies to “support bitcoin and the freedom for people to manage their own wallets and nodes.”

Hours after CNBC published an article about the filing, the Kennedy campaign reached out to the publication and stated the crypto investment belongs to RFK Jr’s wife and he is “not involved in her investment decisions.”

It remains to be seen how the market will react to the twists and turns of the upcoming 2024 US presidential election.


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