Home Bitcoin Following 400% Increase in APT Value Since Late December, Token Drops 20% From All-Time High – Bitcoin News

Following 400% Increase in APT Value Since Late December, Token Drops 20% From All-Time High – Bitcoin News

Following 400% Increase in APT Value Since Late December, Token Drops 20% From All-Time High – Bitcoin News

On January 26.2023: The cryptocurrency apts, or APTs, achieved a record high before experiencing a 20% decrease in value over the following 5 days. In the past 24 hours, it dropped 8.3% against the US dollar. Despite the fall from the peak price, APTs remain 349% higher than the exchange rate from late December.

APT Hits $20 Cap, 20% Down From All-Time High.

Aptosa layer one (L1) Blockchain was launched by two developers formerly associated with the Diem cryptocurrency mission. This month, APT enjoyed significant gains against the US dollar. It achieved a price of $19.92 in the past days. However, it has been trading between $15.89 and $17.48 in the last 24 hours.

Despite the recent decline, APT has been one of the most successful cryptocurrencies in January 2023, with an increase of 400% since its all-time low on December 29, 2022. With the current plethora of altcoins in the market, its market cap was $1 trillion as of February 1, 2023. APT currently ranks 28th in terms of market capitalization.

Presently, the circulating supply of 161,361,143 APTs is worth $2.55 billion USD. Within the last 24 hours, the APT global trading volume was $423.74 million. Of that amount, 57.32% was traded in Tether (USDT), and 18.15% was traded in Korean Won (KRW), making it the largest APT fiat currency pair. The APT/USDT pair accounts for 1.46% of all APT transactions. The APT/TRY pair follows with 0.59%.

In terms of defi, APT currently has $61.24 million in total value (TVL). On February 1, 2023, Pancakeswap’s APT locked in defi was 59.76%. APT employees and members of communities are participating in the “Aptos World Tour”, which just recently completed a stop in Korea.

“When considering where to host our first hackathon, there was no doubt that Seoul was our best choice,” said Mohammad Shaikh, Co-founder and CEO of Aptos Labs. According to statistics from Aptoscan.com, the top 5 APT wallets, including the most valuable address of the Aptos Foundation, accounts for 11.22% of the total supply at 3,101,008 individual addresses.

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$20 cap, $400% rise, all-time high, apts. Aptos Foundation, Aptos Labs, Aptos World Tour, aptoscan.com, CEO, circulating supply, co-founder, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, decline, Diem crypto mission, exchange rate, global trading volume. Hackathon, increase. Korean won. Last month, layer one blockchain. Market capitalization. Pancakeswap. Seoul. Supply, tether. Outperformance. Total value locked. Buy and sell. Turkish lira. One-way addresses: US dollar.

What are your thoughts on the current state of APT within the cryptocurrency markets? Do you think it can recover or will it continue to fall? Please



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