It’s time for another update following the ÐΞVcon-0, our internal developer event. This was an excellent opportunity for the developers to exchange ideas and discuss solutions. The presentations will be shared by the communications team soon.
Since then, we have launched the Ethereum ÐΞV website, This is just the beginning of the developer portal, with tutorials, bug bounty program and documentation. You can find the latest binaries for different platforms, and follow the development of the builds.
I’ve been in Switzerland, the UK and Berlin, where we have a shared workspace for the volunteers, employees and developers. I’ve been working on the Ethereum Specification, the Yellow Book and making core refactoring, including documentation. I removed two State::create and State::call methods.
Continuous Recruitment
We are pleased to announce that Arkadiy Paronyan has joined us to work on Mix IDE. He is already making great progress on the second milestone. We have also employed Gustav Simonsson, an experienced network programming expert and security review specialist. In addition, we have hired Dimitri Khoklov and Jason Colby. Jason has moved to Berlin and is helping with Aeron and Christian’s management of the centre, while Dimitri works from Tver in Russia on the unit tests.
We can’t announce any additional appointments yet, but watch this space!
Ongoing Projects
We have secured the Build BotCI system, allowing us to rebuild on all three platforms. Marek and Caktux worked on CMake and MSVC to make it possible to customize the Windows Platform. Christian is advancing the Solidity project, with assistance from Lefteris. The last feature to be added is the ‘Neue’ keyword, which will make the creation of new contracts easier. Alex and Sven are working on introducing well-forming to the p2p Subsystem using Kademlia DHT design.
We also sent the first successful message between Go and C++ clients for our hybrid messaging/hashtable systems, codenamed Whisper. The API is stable enough for application prototyping.
New Projects
Marian is working on a web-based C&C platform, which will offer a public interface to the back-end connected to a variety of nodes. It will display real-time information, such as chain length and an early warning system. There will be a dedicated monitor for the page at all times. Sven, Jutta and Heiko are also starting a stress testing project, which will test the network under various real-life scenarios.
We are expecting PoC-7 soon, and with it the ability to mine some Ether testnet. Until then, watch out for the PoC-7 release and updates to the Go side.