Home Ethereum Ethereum’s Major Release | Foundation Blog Post

Ethereum’s Major Release | Foundation Blog Post

Ethereum’s Major Release | Foundation Blog Post

UpdateWe have published Version 1.3.5 Include the network patch Homestead 1.3.4.

The Development of Ethereum began in December 2013. A group of developers and a researcher who had just graduated from college decided to create this piece of amazing technology together. we went later United Many like-minded people. Our The first proof-of-concept (PoC), was published in February 1, 2014. By The time that we launched our crowdsale July 23. A protocol was nearly complete, and it had been tested with cross-client compatibility. The The team was thrilled when we received our first million. It It was insane! Believing We could deliver the Ethereum It was one thing to have a platform, but it was inspiring to see others believe and want their participation.

A little later, in October 2014, Gav We were both on the train going to the Zurich When we thought about airport Ethereum Conference would be amazing, so we decided to make it happen. November That same year. It The organizers were a bit overwhelmed (thanks! Aeron, Christian Jason!), but we made it through because we were determined to host our first internal developer conference, DEVwith0.

By The time January We all knew 2015 would be our year to launch our companies. Ethereum beta. Our PoC 9 Hackathon concluded the PoC series March 5, and so on July 30. Frontier. Miners People from all parts of the world began their mining rigs. Then, users created their nodes and the network became a reality. It It worked. The launch went smoothly and smoothly. In Our team and the community showed their collective genius and talent in solving network issues over the following months. Together, they solved two common bugs.

We It was important that we communicate clearly to our users what our feelings were about network security. TodayWe are proud to announce that we have finally removed the word “crossed out” “secure” Visit our website to begin a new phase. Homestead. The Homestead block will be 1,150,000 The main grid is the one that includes the Homestead Transition will occur at 12 noon Pi Day and the Homestead Block for the Morden grid will be 494,000.

What Is Homestead?

Homestead The second major release is the Ethereum Platform includes several protocol changes as well as a network change, giving us the ability of doing more network upgrades.

  • EIP-2 Main Farm Fork Changes
  • EIP-7 Hardfork EVM UpdateDELEGATECALL
  • EIP-8 devp2p forward compatibility

Launch of Clients

The To


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