In a shocking incident in Nashik, Maharashtra, a 52-year-old man was reportedly scammed out of Rs 3.2 lakh by cyber criminals who promised him considerable and fast earnings through cryptocurrency investments. Sources from the Ambad police station revealed that the complainant had contacted them in search of income-generation ideas and eventually succumbed to the fraudsters’ schemes.
According to the Times of India report, the scam involved convincing the victim to deposit funds into an account in January as an investment for cryptocurrencies. However, instead of seeing any returns, the victim was repeatedly asked to reinvest in the scheme as it was supposedly flourishing.
This cycle of investments was repeated six times, with the complainant investing large sums. But by the end of February, he grew suspicious as he had already committed over Rs 3.2 lakh and the accused became increasingly unresponsive. Unable to re-establish contact, the aggrieved investor lodged a formal complaint with the cyber police station.
Police officers have highlighted the importance of dealing only with reliable people and entities bound by accountability, emphasizing that financial transactions must be done with due diligence.