Newly Discovered 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Connected to Hal Finney’s BTC Transaction Set – Bitcoin News


In Late NovemberAn unsigned document was associated with a very ancient block reward. On January 19th September 2009, the user wrote a message and a signature to link to the reward on The The message was related to a block 1018 bitcoin address. 16 days after block 1018 was created, a block reward was issued. Satoshi Nakamoto The network was established. Further Investigation revealed that block 1008 was connected to large amounts of block rewards, which are believed to have been mined by Hal Finney, and the unsigned block of bitcoin is also linked to this first Bitcoin Transaction that was derived from block 9.

Block 1018 signatureless document by “Onesignature” November 26.2022 has been associated Hal Finney’s Bitcoin Mining and the first Bitcoin Transaktion

On November 26th of February 2022: A new forum account called “Onesignature” The Unknown person sent a message about block 1018 to the crypto community. The Onesignature The message included a BTC Address that was created in 2022. The An anonymous document was also attached to the new address, verifying that the user is legitimate and identifiable.

The Onesignature BitcointalkThe unsigned document was published November 26, 2022.

The According To the unverified document BitcoinThe You can authenticate your identity using the verification tool Electrum wallet is a legitimate document, linked to the 2009 address “1NChf” Block 1018. Block 1018 and bitcoin address1NChf were associated with the first transaction of BTC in which 10 BTC were sent. Satoshi Nakamoto To Hal Finney There There are many BTC blocks you can connect with it. Finney.

For For For example, take March 25, 2014, journalist Andy Greenberg An article was published about the life of Hal Finney His bitcoin affiliations. In The article. Greenberg He He stated that he was allowed to see emails that were sent to him Finney By Nakamoto And Jason Finney, Hal’s son, showed Greenberg His Father’s BTC wallet showing the first Bitcoin transaction.

Newly Discovered 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Connected to Hal Finney's BTC Transaction Set
This An article was created using a screenshot. Andy Greenberg 2014 All These Transactions are connected to block 1018, which was signed recently by the unidentified. Onesignature.

The First Transaction was for 10 BTC. January 12, 2009, was confirmed as block 170’s peak. In In Additional to the 10 BTC, which were also sent, Finney This day. Satoshi It Four transactions were sent from block 9 more Two Transmit Two transactions are worth 10 BTC each. Each transaction sends one bitcoin.

Greenberg’s Article This is an alleged screenshot Hal Finney’s The It shows the transaction of 10 BTC as well as 12 block grants. Finney It It is believed that the mine was used to extract it. The This This screenshot illustrates. Finney A bounty was pulled January 10, 2009. That The Same day: Finney saying The The world as it was “running bitcoin” On The social media platform Twitter.

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