Home Ethereum Voyages Along the Road to Devcon

Voyages Along the Road to Devcon

Voyages Along the Road to Devcon


As The Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve and improve rapidly. We are working hard for a great outcome. Devcon 6. While It is uncertain when we can all come together. BogotaWe would like to keep the community involved in all facets of this effort. Road To Devcon! ! To Thus, we are introducing the Road To Devcon Voyages!

What Are these quests?

Road To Devcon Missions They are pledges that our community makes to each other regularly. With Every MissionYou have the opportunity to win a STERN Badge signifying your participation. See how many badges you can secure!

The following missions are planned devcon.orgWe also welcome community-generated tasks. If You have an idea for a community project. Please share it with our RTD Discord Server!

Introducing EthStaker is available for missions

To Begin the first of these missions. We have decided to team up with the EthStaker community For an entertaining series of online events, visit Road To Devcon.

The EthStaker is no stranger to the Ethereum ecosystem. They are now a member of the canonical community Ethereum staking. The EthStaker hosts regular events to teach the community. The goal is to lower the technical barrier to entry and to invite more people into solo and pool staking.

The Thrilled about Devcon The EthStaker community has hosted two online events for the purpose of competing in this event. Devcon bragging rights and POAP tickets Each Any of the events below are open to anyone. The more you participate, you have better chances to win tickets. Devcon.

Painting party: May 29, 2021

POAP.art POAP.art is the newest experiment. It combines art and technology. POAP.art, an interactive digital canvas, allows artists of all levels and skill levels to collaborate, create original pieces, mint them as NFTs and preserve their art digitally on blockchain.

The During the live stream on YouTube, anyone can use POAP.art canvas for an hour. As We’ll listen to you if you place pixels Devcon EthStaker community members giving light feedback as the canvas fills up.

To Participate. You don’t need to be present. Live broadcast Take your place today! POAP ‘Paint Party Viewer’You can access the POAP.art by clicking on the following link: Canvas. Everyone Who is present during Painting Party This POAP will be available livestream, and anyone who drops at least 1 pixel on the POAP.art canvas with a comment will receive it. POAP ‘Painting Party Pixel Dropper’.

After The Painting PartyThe EthStaker team will be hosting a double header POAP.fun Raffle. Round For those who have previously had 1 Devcon POAPs and are Beacon Chain Genesis depositors. Round 2 is available for POAP holders Painting Party Viewer Oder Pixel Dropper. Raffle Winners will receive seats for the next conference participants Devcon


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