Home Ethereum Recap of April 2021 Grants | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Recap of April 2021 Grants | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Recap of April 2021 Grants | Ethereum Foundation Blog

What did the Ethereum Foundation award grants for in April 2021? In this series, we take a look at the achievements and milestones of some of the recipient projects. Read on to find out more!

Development Sheet | Ethereum India Scholarship 2.0

Devfolio’s Ethereum India Fellowship 2.0 was split into two stages. One was designed for Web2 developers with limited or no blockchain experience, while the other was for more experienced Web3 developers. 20 fellows were selected for the former, with 8 weeks of mentorship and training. Their topics ranged from exploring different uses for Ethereum like DeFi, NFTs and DAOs, to choosing a project based on their preferences. The latter involved 8 weeks of project-based development, with industry veterans mentoring them.

The EtherPunk Online Hackathon was held during the first part of the program, providing an opportunity for fellows and top developers to share their projects and offer feedback. By the end, participants had achieved great success, winning hackathon prizes or internships, and many have gone on to make their mark in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Stay updated with ETH India on Twitter @ethindiaco and the Devfolio blog. Also, keep an eye out for information about upcoming events!

Web3 Labs | web3j

web3j is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Android integration library for Ethereum. It was created to make it easier for Java developers to work on the blockchain. Since its inception in 2016, web3j has been maintained by founder Conor Svensson and supported by a grant from the Ethereum Foundation in 2017. Their current work includes improving the user experience, creating an open API for clients, conducting a user survey and regular maintenance.

Follow Web3 Labs on Twitter @web3labs and check out their Github page.

Do you have an idea that could help the Ethereum network? Visit our grants page to find out more about our criteria for funding projects.


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