It’s always a delight to hear about the new grants that have been awarded. But, what follows? In this series, we will be taking a look at projects that are in progress or near completion. Read on to find out about the recent accomplishments of grantees!
Where applicable, the grant recipient will be provided first, followed by the project to which the grant was granted.
fuel labs And Optimistic Accumulation Research DevelopmentSparsENS
Fuel Labs are well-recognized for their work on a UTXO-based system for optimist summaries that are scalable and have minimal confidence. This team also produces SparsENS, which is a stateless ENS subdomain registrar. It aims to reduce the cost of registering ENS subdomains. The Fuel Labs were granted a grant to support these efforts. Recently, they have made important strides.
Keep a lookout for SparsENS testnets at the end of each year to see if you can find one. Fuel has a Road Map for new features and future versions of the software!
Nomic laboratories And Builder Safety helmet
Previously known as Builder, Hardhat is flexible and extensible. The most recent Release was a major milestone in the project’s evolution from a side-project to an indispensable tool for Ethereum developers. The Release included numerous new features and enhancements, such as:
- mainnet fork Allowing users to simulate the main network’s state in a local development setting
- tender integration Providing advanced debugging and monitoring in the Hardhat workflow
- Renovated Pipeline construction To improve build speed and configuration flexibility for complex build configurations
- Improved Support for ethers.js Typescript
- And many more! The full list can be found Here.
The recent modifications to the release were significant, so beware. It gets even better If you’re using an earlier version of Builder!
Hubble Optimistic Cumulative Concentrator
Hubble enables users to implement programmable optimistic cumulative strings in a single hub. This gives them the capability to quickly and cost-effectively switch between strings within that cumulative space. The original Hubble grant was recently finished, and the ultimate milestones consisted of:
- Launch Transfer-only testnet for batch deposits, one time withdrawals, CLI or REST APIs, on chain verification and fraud testing
- Testnet Updates including transaction and deposits fees, BLS signatures as well variable length balances and PDA trees
- Documentation For Hubble Libraries, APIs and Commands
The interface of Hubble will continue to progress over time. In fact, a second grant was recently given to develop a front end interface that users can interact with. Hubble’s BLS signature