Home Ethereum The Dual Mandate of Xbox and Ethereum

The Dual Mandate of Xbox and Ethereum

The Dual Mandate of Xbox and Ethereum

The Genesis Day Launch and Ecosystem Build-Out

As if Microsoft released the Xbox with no games.

When Ethereum’s genesis block is created, the core infrastructure, mining network, user app browser and applications will be ready to go. Obviously, much more development is needed beyond the genesis. Ethereum is meant to become a sophisticated, decentralized consensus application platform. On that day, “launch titles” will be introduced.

When Ethereum was originally conceived in November, it was meant to be a simple “altcoin” (actually, a meta-protocol built on Primecoin) with an embedded scripting language. But we quickly saw its potential, and our scope grew. Our current plan is to launch “EtherBrowser”, a browser that supports regular and decentralized web navigation (Web 3.0). At the time of the network launch, the following elements will be operational and form the ecosystem:

  • A fully functional implementation of Ethereum Blockchain technology that improves upon Bitcoin with reduced block times and greater security (Ghost Protocol) that enables distributed applications (ÐApps) and anything that requires consensus (e.g. …)
  • A peer-to-peer protocol that ÐApps can use to communicate among users. For instance, a decentralized messaging ÐApp. This protocol will be used to send messages. Yet the blockchain is used to register user accounts.
  • A stylish browser and app store UI for ÐApps
  • Network nodes (or miners) responsible for processing transactions and calculations, securing the network through a consensus process, and being compensated for fees, as well as the issuance and renewal of ether.
  • A standard set of “built-in” utility-level ÐApps such as a distributed wallet, distributed ID system, distributed reputation system, distributed messaging, distributed name registry, distributed catalog of distributed apps and many other utilities.
  • Integrated tools for both developers and users: contract explorers, transaction builders, blockchain explorers, transaction builders, encrypted messaging tools, signature tools, authentication tools, etc. Plus a debugger for hardcore users.

Not long after the genesis, we expect to see a variety of third-party distributed applications. These will include distributed storage services and distributed notary services, distributed exchange services, distributed custody and arbitrage services, financial contracts, insurance contracts, loan services, games, entertainment services, etc. Every ÐApp in the various business verticals can make use of the utility ÐApps at the lower levels of the system, such as identity and reputation systems.

Without operational distributed applications, Ethereum is an empty shell. A broad range of applications must be available from the beginning. Nonprofit public good elements should be developed alongside commercially driven apps in competitive markets. This is where Ethereum gets its double mandate.

The Dual Mandate of Non-Profit and For-Profit Collaborative Development

Two core organizations will lead the Ethereum Project with a dual mandate: A for-profit entity based in Zug, Switzerland, and a nonprofit organization based in Toronto, Canada. Both organizations will be structured to keep each one financially independent and strong, ensuring years of ecosystem development.

The Ethereum ecosystem will initially be built by for-profit and non-profit entities working together. But there is potential for broad participation from many independent entities. The founding leadership will create a framework to make sure the essential elements of the ecosystem are constructed and maintained in accordance with the fundamental principles. The funding and autonomy of the organizations (whether state-registered companies or eventually blockchain-registered companies) directing the different paths of core infrastructure development will be guaranteed.

At the same time, free market trade is an integral part of human economies. Thus, the non-profit and especially the for-profit entities will help independent business ventures to start and prosper. There are many ways to provide assistance, from offering guidance and resources to maintaining support channels.

The Hybrid Organization Model



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