The Difficult Journey to Devcon



At The last Devcon announcement, we had just made it through some crucial milestones on the Eth2 roadmap. There were also exciting advances and accomplishments made by the teams in the Ethereum community. We We were delighted to share these successes with everyone. Devcon is now planned to take place in Bogotá.

It However, we must consider the timeline. We had to make a hard decision to hold back the proceedings, until August, when the Covid situation is good. Although the timeline is uncertain due to the pandemic, we hope to announce the availability of vaccines soon. Vaccines They have been quickly developing recently, according to the latest reports. Therefore We still want to be prudent and make sure that everyone can attend safely from different parts of the world. But, this might not be possible at the beginning of August. In The last few weeks and months, we have been paying attention to the opinions and disposition of our supporters, and it is evident that the best way to reach our goal is to take our time. Around the world and it will be smoother if you wait a bit more.

So There’s still a lot to do! On The road to Devcon, we will also have multiple occasions in virtual and in-person forms, like EthCC, which is proposed for July 2021 and hosted by Ethereum France. We We are pleased to support the hard work of all the individuals who are keeping our system alive. Despite the fact that we have been able to stay in contact over the last 12 months, we look forward to reuniting when conditions improve.

Soon We will be able to announce the exact date. You will find all the necessary info on tickets, speakers, and other particulars. Until Then, we will continue to assess the situation. Devcon suggestionsIf you have a brilliant idea for enhancing the experience, feel free to share it with us. We Will keep striving to arrange an outstanding event, which will take place before you know it.

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